Cell Phone Addiction Is Real

13 04 2010

Ever panic when you can’t find your phone? I do.

Ever had that lost feeling when you’ve left your phone at home or at work? I have.

Ever had to consciously tell yourself to put the phone down long enough to concentrate on driving? I have.

And yet, as bad as these behaviors are, they still pale in comparison to actual cell phone addiction, which according to one recent study from China found in this article from DrugRehabTreatment.com, “nearly one-third of high school students show[] signs of [cell phone] addiction.”

So What Is Cell Phone Addiction?

According to the above article:

The symptoms of cell phone addiction are similar to the symptoms of other types of addictions, and may include the following:

  • Feeling restless or uncomfortable when not using a cell phone;
  • Having irrational reactions to being without a phone if it is lost or forgotten;
  • Substantial increases in the amount of time spent talking on a cell phone;
  • Mounting cell phone bills that cause financial distress;
  • Problems at school and work from constant cell phone use;
  • Interpersonal problems from constant cell phone use; or
  • Taking unnecessary risks such as using a cell phone during inappropriate times (driving, etc.).

How To Tell If You’re Teen Has Cell Phone Addiction

Aside from knowing and looking out for the warning signs of cell phone addiction referenced above, that same article listed several good suggestions to counteract cell phone addition. We’ve modified a few of them to apply to your teens. These include:

  • Setting specific times during the day when your teen can use their cell phone,
  • Make time for activities and hobbies that aren’t conducive to being on the phone, such as sports, watching a movie in a theater, or spending time with friends.
  • Foster healthy relationships with your teens that are strong enough to last a few hours or days without constant contact.

There’s one last thing to keep in mind. Your teens watch what you do, and they often imitate your behavior. Focusing on healthy cell phone behavior yourself can also go a long way to shaping your teen’s focus on their cell phone use.

What behaviors have you seen from your teen that might be cell phone addiction? What are you doing that could be leading that way? Let us know!




TeenCellSafety.org is about to launch its free Special Report on Teen Cell Phone Safety. Check back soon for details!


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